It's never easy for volunteers to close a case with sad ending. Volunteers struggled emotionally when one of the decision making is euthanasia (put to sleep).
For the past 2 weeks, we received reports from the public about a dog in Kiulap with a big open wound on his back. Volunteers had assessed this dog a couple of times. Preliminary speculation by the volunteers was a tumour on the dog's back and it has burst to an open wound. The dog was seen to move and walked quite slowly and kept trying his best to turn around to lick the wound on his back. I could not imagine how painful, itchy or uncomfortable could that thing caused him.... How much suffering he may have and nowhere to seek help to....
Due to his unsightly wound, passers-by who walked past would quickly ran away from him, or turn a disgusted look at him. One passer-by even went up to him for no reason and frightened him away from his sleeping spot under a stationary car. How "kind" could a human being be..... If we were to be in this dog's shoe, have you ever think if he had chosen to become a stray? Did he choose to have a tumour on his back? Or does he deserve you people to frighten him like this?
2 days ago, we lost sight of the dog when trying to catch and bring him back to the clinic for assessment, thanks to that weird man who came out of nowhere to frighten him away. Today, after about 2 hours searching for him again, we finally found him. We immediately activated the vet to sedate him and bring him back to the clinic.
The dog was assessed to be more than 10yrs old. The tumour has grown very big. Some parts of the leg has small tumour too. Survival rate for this dog is low even if he is going through the chemotherapy treatment. Regrettably, we have to put him down to end his suffering.. We gave him a spot and lay him down under the soil where he would rest in peace, with no more tumour, no more pain... We had a heavy heart on our journey home...
Life is not easy and never have been easy as Stray. If we do not want to see more animals or rather more dogs and cats suffer, please do help to sterilise your own pet to prevent overpopulation of strays. When there is less animals on the road, there would be less suffering for them.
Please, play your part to help your own community ! Spay your pet now !
We have the choice to spay our pet BUT THEY HAVE NO CHOICE TO BECOME A STRAY!